Adventures With God!

How would you like to go on an epic adventure?  One full of thrills and excitement where you never know what’s around the next corner?  That’s actually the life that God calls us to, and the Bible is full of role models who came before us and heeded that call.

For example, there was Abraham (originally Abram,) to whom God said, "Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1 NLT)  Imagine, leaving everything that is familiar to follow God to an unknown destination that He “will show you!”  In Abraham’s case, the journey included battles and drama and hardship and miracles and ultimately he became the father of the entire nation of Israel.

Of course, there are also the disciples of Jesus- what a journey they had!  For Peter and Andrew it started when,

Jesus called out to them, "Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!" And they left their nets at once and followed him. (Matthew 4:19-20 NLT)

Further on in Matthew we read how Jesus presented an invitation to adventure to other disciples as well.  The ones who answered that call had front row seats for the earthly ministry of Jesus Himself, including His miracles and teachings, not to mention His death, burial and resurrection.  After that, they continued to be used by God to perform miracles, endure persecution, and to spread the Gospel to the known world. 

Do you notice a pattern emerging, where following God means being willing to let go of the familiar, get out of your comfort zone, and brave the unknown?  There are plenty of other examples in both the Old and New Testaments, and this pattern holds true.  Life with God is meant to be a wild ride- but we have to be willing to get onboard.  If we decide that we’d rather play it safe and avoid risk and discomfort, we can end up like the “rich young ruler” that asked Jesus about eternal life (the ultimate adventure)... When Jesus told him to give up all he had and follow Him, the man walked away sad because he couldn’t let it all go. 

When we are serving God, there are adventures that we could be having every day if we would stop making comfort our god. (excerpt from Stir Up the Gift Within You, by Pastor Vondalier Pipkin)

Let’s not miss out on what God has for us!  Instead, let’s say “Yes” to the Lord’s invitation to take the ride of our lives- for the rest of our lives- and embrace whatever discomfort may come as part of the package.  The goodness and promises of God (not to mention the testimony of so many who have gone before) are our guarantee that it will be worth it!