To Greek or not to Greek...THAT is the question!
It's that time of year again - rush season. What's the "rush" you ask? Rush week actually derives its name from the phenomenon of fraternities and sororities rushing to fill their membership rolls with viable matches before candidates are recruited by another competing organization. The rush is all about finding recruits who are a "good fit" or worthy of the organization. Joining a fraternity or sorority is an important decision and like everything in our lives should be considered with much prayer. God wants to be involved in everything you do, and every decision you make.
Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Prov. 3:6 NLT
As you consider Greek life, ask yourself whether or not your participation in such an organization will cause you to compromise in your relationship with Jesus. Do you feel you could still freely be who you are as a Christian, or would you have to “tuck that part away?” And what about the social activities of the group? Are they consistent with your commitment to Christ? Building strong relationships and having a sense of belonging are really important and can influence your life decisions for good or bad. So choose wisely and make sure you talk to God about it first!
Let's ask God for wisdom like Solomon did. (excerpt from "21st Century Parenting" by Asst. Pastor Vonda Pipkin)