God has a specific purpose for your life… Everybody has an assignment and an appointment, and there is something specific that God put you here for. (excerpt from Receiving Revelation from the Foundation Stone pt.1, by Dr. Chester C. Pipkin)

Let that statement soak in for a moment.  It has so many implications, it’s worth pausing to consider a few of them:

You are not an accident

You are not a mistake

Your life is not random

You are not invisible or a nobody

You are not unimportant or insignificant

You have something to offer

Without you, the world would be missing something

That’s a lot, and it’s not even an exhaustive list of all that follows from the simple fact that God put every one of us on this earth for a reason.

 How often do we think that we don’t really matter?  Or that our decisions don’t affect anyone but ourselves?  But that’s not true.  Even though we can’t always see the big picture or understand how we fit into it, we can get reassurance from knowing that God, the architect of absolutely everything, does see, and know, and understand.  And He has a plan that includes you and me and everyone else, too.  David put it this way in one of his Psalms:


Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began. (Psalm 139:16 CSB)

If ever the thought hits your mind that your life is pointless, remind yourself that it’s a lie and God says something different.  

"For I know the plans I have for you" -- this is the LORD's declaration -- "plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 CSB)

So fight that lie with the truth that God created you with a purpose- even if you can’t see what it is yet- and it’s a good one. Your life really does matter.